The Rhine ferry Baden-Pfalz title image
The Rhine Falls, Schaffhouse, Switzerland

The Rhine in Basel, Wettstein bridge space-filler

The Rhine ferry Baden-Pfalz

The Rhine ferry Baden-Pfalz is a car and pedestrian ferry boat crossing the river Rhine at km 354, north-east of Lauterbourg (France) and south-west of Karlsruhe (Germany). It joins Neuburg-am-Rhein, Palatinate (German: Pfalz) on the left bank to Neuburgweiher, now a part of the city of Rheinstetten, Baden-Württemberg, on the right bank.

It is the first ferry and the first crossing possibility on the section of the Rhine situated entirely in Germany (both banks). The left bank is 10 minutes away from France. There are bicycle lanes in the vicinity on both banks, in Germany and in France.

The ferry Baden-Pfalz is in operation from March to October, from 6:45 (weekdays) and 9:00 (week-ends) till 18:00 in March, 19:00 in April and October, 20:00 from May to September. The fee as of April 2011 is 4.00€ / car + driver, else 1.00€ / person. The capacity is 30 metric tons, 15 cars, 200 persons.

The ferry landing of the Rhine ferry Baden-Pfalz in Neuburgweiher
The ferry-landing of the Rhine ferry Baden-Pfalz in Neuburgweiher, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Photographer: T. Demand
License: CCbysa

The Rhine ferry Baden-Pfalz in the middle of the Rhine
The Rhine ferry Baden-Pfalz in the middle of the Rhine, between Neuburgweiher, Baden-Württemberg, and Neuburg-am-Rhein, Palatinate.
Photographer: T. Demand
License: CCbysa

The Rhine ferry Baden-Pfalz and the left bank
The Rhine ferry Baden-Pfalz and the left bank, Neuburg-am-Rhein, Palatinate, Germany.
Photographer: T. Demand
License: CCbysa

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