The St.Alban bridge on the Rhine in Basel title image
The Rhine Falls, Schaffhouse, Switzerland


The St.Alban bridge on the Rhine in Basel

The bridge of St.Alban (German : Sankt Albanbrücke, Swiss German : Dalbebrugg alias Zitterbrugg) on the Rhine did last less than 20 years, from 1955 until 1973.

First ideas for a bridge of St.Alban go back to 1901. In that time people did speak of a Hallwilerbrücke. But the construction has been postponed many times for various reasons. Finally the bridge of St.Alban, a metallic bridge on 2 piers, 22 m wide, has been built between 1953 and 1955.

Due to its light construction it has been called the quivering bridge. After completion of the adjacent Black Forest bridge in 1973, the only 18 year old bridge of St.Alban has been demolished. Nowadays, the Tinguely Museum is situated where the northern end of the St.Alban bridge was.

A postcard with an aerial view of the St. Albanbrücke can be seen at the external page Alte Ansichtskarten Basel.

Bridges on the Rhine in Basel. The Tinguely Museum is there where the northern end of the bridge of St.Alban was
Bridges on the Rhine in Basel. The Tinguely Museum at Kleinbasel on the right bank of the river is exactly there where the northern end of the bridge of St.Alban was. On the right, we can see the Black Forest bridge.

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