The Railway bridge on the Rhine in Basel title image
The Rhine Falls, Schaffhouse, Switzerland


The Railway bridge on the Rhine in Basel

The purpose of the connexion railway bridge (Verbindungsbahnbrücke) is to connect the SBB railway station (Bahnhof SBB) with the DB railway station (Badischer Bahnhof) i.e. to interconnect the Swiss railway net with the German railway net.

The first Verbindungsbahnbrücke, a single track bridge on 3 piers with a footpath, has been built between 1870 and 1873. Due to the usage of heavy locomotives and trains, the bridge had to be reinforced in 1896 and in 1924.

From 1913 on there was an urgent need for a second track. A new two track bridge with a footpath on the downstream side, using the same 3 piers, could finally be opened to the traffic in 1962.

A further extension of the railway bridge to 4 tracks is planned for 2007 to 2010. Indeed a new two track bridge adjacent to the existing one is planned.

Bridges on the Rhine in Basel. Verbindungsbahnbrücke and Schwarzwaldbrücke seen from Kleinbasel on the right bank of the Rhine
Bridges on the Rhine in Basel. Verbindungsbahnbrücke and Schwarzwaldbrücke seen from Kleinbasel on the right bank of the Rhine.

Bridges on the Rhine in Basel. Verbindungsbahnbrücke and Schwarzwaldbrücke seen from Grossbasel on the left bank of the Rhine
Bridges on the Rhine in Basel. Verbindungsbahnbrücke and Schwarzwaldbrücke seen from Grossbasel on the left bank of the Rhine.

Bridges on the Rhine in Basel. Verbindungsbahnbrücke with DB train
Bridges on the Rhine in Basel. Verbindungsbahnbrücke with DB train (Deutsche Bahn = German Railways, formerly Deutsche Bundesbahn = German Federal Railways).

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